Benefits of Kiwi (kiwifruit)
Kiwifruit is a rich source of vitamin C; it contains more vitamin C than oranges. The vitamin C content in kiwifruit is 2 and 6 times that of oranges and lemons, respectively. Its nutritional content is 8 times that of apples. Kiwifruit contains vitamin A and B-group vitamins and its black seeds contain vitamin D. Kiwifruit is one of the very low-calorie fruits. It provides 47 calories per 100 g. Its calorie content is similar to some fruits like apricots and tangerines.

- Appearance of kiwifruit
- Color and flavor of kiwifruit
Kiwifruit is classified into 2 groups based on its appearance:
- Oval kiwifruit
- Double kiwifruit
Color and flavor
Kiwifruit is classified into 4 groups based on its color and flavor:
- Hayward
- Green kiwifruit
- Yellow kiwifruit (Golden kiwifruit)
- Red kiwifruit (purple kiwifruit)
Although there are various cultivars of kiwifruit for export, the best-seller export cultivar in the world, and the best one, is ‘Hayward’. The highest volume of export is reported for kiwifruit which weighs 70g and above. Such kiwifruit, in various packages, are exported from the north of Iran to countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, India, Spain, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Malaysia, and Persian Gulf countries.
When buying kiwifruit, you should pay attention to the following points
Choose semi-hard and intact fruit. Apply slight pressure to a kiwifruit with your fingers, avoid buying it if you notice that it is soft (Never buy a soft or spotted kiwifruit). Also, if a kiwifruit has very hard texture, it should not be purchased because it does not have a proper flavor and quality due to early harvesting and lack of full ripening.
You should also pay attention to other points, such as: kiwifruit size, the cultivar, packaging type, harvest time, sorting quality, and price. Quality plays a significant role in determining the fruit prices and affects the buying and selling of exportable kiwifruit; Experts evaluate the price.

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